Join Yonsei Memory Project on Feb 17, 2019...

Nikiko Masumoto and I are facilitating YMP’s 2nd annual “Memory Bus Ride,” FEBRUARY 17, 2019, 8:30AM-11:30AM. RSVP HERE! Community members and educators are invited to travel through local Fresno history, visiting important Japanese American sites of memory. Together, we will explore local stories through monuments, creative engagement, and conversations. Dialogue will be curated to ask about how we can support public education about Japanese American history and to draw connections with important contemporary concerns about civil liberties and xenophobia in America. This unique journey through memory is not to be missed! Reserve your spot via our RSVP form.

The Memory Bus Ride is YMP’s contribution to Day of Remembrance (DOR) weekend, an important annual date for reflecting on civil liberties, struggles for justice, and Japanese American memories of the World War II incarceration.

The Memory Ride will begin at the Fresno Fairgrounds, Chance Avenue entrance, at 8:30am, and will return to the Fairgrounds by 11:30am. All are welcome and seating is limited! We hope you can join us.

After the bus ride, the Central California District Council of the Japanese American Citizens League will be holding their annual Day of Remembrance luncheon at the Fresno Fairgrounds, 12pm-3pm. We hope you can attend! Please contact Travis Nishi and download flyer for details: